Thursday, April 1, 2010

Houston we have some good news!


So - I got a new car. And when I say new car, I's 10 years old but hardly driven ever....and when I say hardly, I mean...13,000 miles. Shiet. That's what I put on a car in one year! AND it's got all the bells and whistles, automatic windows and control...4 doors. AND it's favorite color. AND the best part is - IT'S ALL PAID OFF, IT'S ALL MINE AND THE INSURANCE IS PAID FOR 6 MONTHS....NO PAYMENTS MINE!

I love it. I named it Lelu, like off of Fifth Element and it drives like a peach.

Life has started to look up. Suddenly I have this notion I want to buy a house. So, I'm gonna save. I was thinking I wanted to buy all this extra stuff (mostly art because I love to buy art - which is a good investment and feeds the soul) but then I thought I could save that money to buy a house. At that very second, without me even planning it, I realized...I wanted to buy a house. So, I'm going to start saving.

And when life gets good, it gets real good. I just found out today that I GOT THE JOB AT WILLIAMS-SONOMA! Now, it's not going to be as the in-house designer mind you, just a casual associate (20 hours a week) - BUT, it's an open door, that leads to an open window towards becoming the in-house designer. I'm a little nervous, but at the same time I know I can do this. It pays just about double what I make as a food server and it's in the field of interior design. I don't know where this is going to lead me and I'm not making plans, I am just incredibly grateful for everything in my life.

I've also finished (I have 2 more pair of earrings to make) my second launch for my earrings....then I have to photograph them...try to spruce up my site and BAM! The website I write for is going to write a short article about them and I have a really good feeling Kiss My Sass is going to be a well known name soon to come. All good things, come in time and so I will be patient and know that life is good!

Woohoo and Amen.

Happy Easter y'all.


  1. Yay for your new car!!! Lelu is one of my nicknames since high school! Maybe I need to work on my pronunciation and vocab if I earned that one...

  2. OH HEY!!! Um... I saw Lelu water at TJ Maxx on Sunday. Seriously. Not sure why they're selling bottled water at TJ Maxx, but it was there and it was Lelu, and I thought of you.

    <3 Meg
