Monday, March 1, 2010

roller coasters and cats

Okay. There are friends and then there are family. Tonight I hung out with a variety of both categories. After work, wanting to show off my new vintage dress I hung out with a new group of coworkers; I hung out with the host and waiters. Those were friends. A group of Portlanders (some who did not want to be associated with, but were hipsters and some that weren't) and then I sped over to my friend's home who I've known for almost 5 years now, who have always been and always will be in my life, my Portland family - Emily Hanagan and Bia (and 2 and a half year old baby Freeman).

At work, we talked about Politics. We talked about how America has no culture, how we all feel void of our ethnic backgrounds. We talked about how President Bush was a fuck up and how President Obama reinstated the Patriot act. How our military is different from our feelings about the war, how philosophy is different than a psychology class.

With Emily and Bia, we talked about families, in-laws, divorce, childhood, sangrias and Valium (for which I was offered but casually declined). We talked about kids and families, dreams and roller coasters. Roller coasters being that which is our lives - be it 27 or 31, as in Emily's case. Apparently, that group of friend's voted me the coolest person in the bunch. I am immediately flattered but feel strange about it, being that I am just a normal 27 year old girl.

I drank a Irish cream milk shake after work and then wine followed by sangria. I haven't spoken to Gabby in over a week and feel great. I almost sold the same pair of earrings 2 times tonight and decided 2 very important things in my life : 1) I want a skeleton key tattoo on my wrist 2) I want to own a furniture company for a living.

Also - I came home because I realized I can't sleep without my cat.

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